Wine Spectator – Valle dell’Acate Sicilia White Bidis 2013, score 90

W i n e S p e c t a t o r V a l l e d e l l A c a t e S i c i l i a W h i t e B i d i s 2 0 1 3 , s c o r e 9 0

Valle dell’Acate Sicilia White Bidis 2013 gets 90 points.
Sleek acidity frames this medium-bodied white, offering rich notes of pastry cream, honey and toasted brioche, with flavors of baked apricot and lemon curd. Well-knit and balanced, ending with a lightly smoky finish. Chardonnay. Drink nowt hrough 2020. Tasted twice, with consistentnotes. 850 casesmade. –A.N.


Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

@katerinam •  More Posts by Katerina

Congratulations on the award, it's well deserved! You guys definitely know what you're doing. Looking forward to my next visit to the winery!