The recipe is an excellent match to Il Frappato , served very cold with no hesitation. Its fragrance on the palate and the complexity of its aromas of raspberries and violets heighten the flavor of the anchovies and the anchovies that of the wine.
Ingredients for 4 persons
18 ounces of fresh anchovies
rice flour
extra-virgin olive oil
Clean the anchovies, removing the head and the tail. Cut along the belly and open them up, removing the bones and placing them aside. Pat the anchovies dry. Dry the bones in an 160° oven for approximately an hour. Bread the anchovies with the rice flour, bring the olive oil to a temperature of 370°, and then fry the anchovies for a few minutes. Place on paper towels, salt them, and then serve while still hot (if they are fried in several batches, keep the anchovies and their serving platter in a warm oven). Fry the bones, without batter, throwing them directly into the boiling oil and taking care that they not break. Salt and serve boiling hot together with the fish.