We start the year with the same wine with which we closed the previous one, celebrating in this way 2018 and Cerasuolo di Vittoria, a wine which, along with Frappato, express the essence of Valle dell’Acate. The spiciness of curry is perfect for being softened and rendered more complex by Nero d’Avola, and the dish will be enveloped by the aromas of Frappato. Serve the wine at a temperature of 61° Fahrenheit and you will be enthusiastic about this pairing.
Ingredients for 4/6 persons
jasmine-scented Thai rice
1 onion
1 carrot
1/2 glass of white wine
extra-virgin olive oil
6/7 things of free-range chicken
1 green apple
1 celery branch
1 tablespoon of curry power
7 ounces of skinless canned tomatoes
salt and pepper
3.5 fluid ounces of cream (optional)
Cut the chicken thighs into small pieces and brown them in a bit of olive oil. Deglaze the pan with the white wine and reserve the liquid. Sauté the onion, the apple, the carrot, and the celery, all cut into small chunks, for 7-8 minutes with a bit of chopped parsley. Add the curry and continue cooking for a bit. Add the tomatoes, previously passed through a food mill, some broth and some water. At this point, add the pieces of chicken add cook over a low flame for another 20 minutes, then remove the chicken, cover it, and run the remaining ingredients through a food mill with the reserved deglazed cooking liquid. Put everything into a cooking dish with the cream and reduce a bit to create a sauce. Serve after sprinkling with chopped parsley accompanied by the jasmine-scented Thai rice.