Zagra is a perfect match with Grillo, which is grown on the yellow soil which gives it completeness and the proper savor and mineral flavor. The desired richness on the palate, which at the same time tempers and exalts the anchovy taste.
Ingredients for 4 persons
20 anchovies
1 shallot
half a glass of vinegar
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
salt and pepper
Clean the anchovies, leaving the tail of the fish.
Pound them in order to flatten them, then leave them in the freezer for at least 48 hours in order kill the anisaki (nematode parasites which can be present in raw fish). Roast the peppers, then liquefy them in a blender and cool the mixture. Marinate the anchovies for ten minutes in the vinegar and garlic. Remove them from the marinade and wipe them dry. Marinate them in vinegar and a chopped shallot for ten minutes. Serve the anchovies accompanied by the pepper sauce, a few leaves of lamb’s lettuce, and a bit of chopped shallot. Season with a drop of olive oil, the Maldon salt, and the pepper. The dish is to be served cold.