Cream of modica chick peas with streamed babyshrimp

C r e a m o f m o d i c a c h i c k p e a s w i t h s t r e a m e d b a b y s h r i m p

IMG_4376.jpgI cannot but combine the new vintage of Zagra, cricket with this dish, which brings with it the aromas of Modica, the call of the sea and a Sicilian lightness. A wine that has in its flavor and minerality its uniqueness that this year has been combined with the richness and creaminess of the warm 2017 vintage. Qualities that blend with the velvety in a harmonious palate.

Nothing better for a convivial table, with friends around the table, on a cold January evening. The heart will warm you and finally… the peelings of last week and the Moro Limited Edition!


Ingredients for 8 persons
2 pounds of Modica chick peas
bay leaves
1 garlic cloves
1 glass of vegetable broth
1 and 1/2 pounds of peeled
extra-virgin olive oil
1 branch of rosemary

Soak the chick peas in cold water the evening before preparing the dish and add a pinch of bicarbonate of soda. Rinse them well and then cook them in cold water together with a few bay leaves. Once they have been become soft, put them in a pot with olive oil, garlic, and a branch of rosemary to ta- ke on more flavor. Add a glass of vegetable broth and cook for another 10-15 minutes, then finish the soup in a blender. Cut the bread into cubes and toast it in a frying pan with a bit of olive oil. Steam the shrimps very briefly. Serve the cream of chick peas, not excessively hot, with the shrimp and drop of Sicilian olive oil drizzled over it. Add the croutons at the end so that they slowly become a bit softer.

Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

@katerinam •  More Posts by Katerina

Congratulations on the award, it's well deserved! You guys definitely know what you're doing. Looking forward to my next visit to the winery!

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